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Monday, May 07, 2007

"Poison" by Chris Wooding

I have to start by saying that I enjoyed this story a great deal, and am supremely jealous that the author is a year younger than me and has had several books published, LOL.

Anyway, jealousies aside, "Poison" is the story of a young girl, the titular character, who lives deep in the Black Marshes in the village of Gull with her father, step-mother and toddling sister. Poison is different from the other girls in village- she feels the urge to know what's beyond there town, loves stories and is generally stubborn and contrary- mostly to spite her step-mother.

But one day, Poison's little sister is kidnapped and a changling is left in her place. With the help of a traveller, Fleet, Poison decides to go on a journey to the Phaerie realms to get her sister back. At first, Poison's story seems a simple "journey" story- girl must outwit life to save her sister- but it is far more than that and Poison is about to come one of the most important people in her realm.

I can't say too much about the plot because it'd give too much away. "Poison" is a great read and a terrific, smart character who must use her brains and knowledge of fairy tales to survive.

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